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Beth Snyder - DMD


"I'm lucky because my job is my passion, so I never have to work. I happily wake up everyday to help as many patients as I can, so they can live the best life they can."  


Like many of you reading this Dr. Snyder has suffered from TMJ pain and snoring for years.   She has come full circle in her quest to understand Sleep and TMJ disorders, striving to provide patients with the best solutions dentistry has to offer.


Neuromuscular dentistry has helped not only her, but many of the patients that sought treatment at the office for TMJ pain.  With a husband that snored, she pursued training in sleep dental medicine, helping many patients with snoring and sleep apnea be freed of CPAP machines.  Physician heal thy self (and her husband).  


Dr. Snyder has found there is a distinct overlap between TMJ and sleep disorders, to her, being trained in one but not the other seems unfathomable.  


Dr. Snyder graduated from Temple University School of Dentistry in 1985, and has aggressively pursued postgraduate education, investing in over 2600 hours of courses and counting. 


She has attained the status of Fellow at the Las Vegas Institute (LVI), the world’s premier postgraduate teaching center for cosmetic and neuromuscular dentistry.


Dr. Snyder has been repeatedly recognized by LVI for her exceptional skills and awarded the honor of excellence in outstanding educational achievement.


And as a diplomate with AADSM (American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine), has also earned prestigious fellowships with the AGD (Academy of General Dentistry) and the ICCMO (International College of Craniomandibular Orthopedics).


Dr. Snyder is a senior orthodontic instructor of the IAO (International Association for Orthodontics) and is available for speaking engagements.


When Dr. Snyder is not busy treating patients, teaching or taking continuing education courses, her other passion is to give back to her community in Doylestown where she's  usually escorted by her social little dog Lela.  


  • D-AADSM   - Diplomat of American Academy of Sleep Dental Medicine

  • LVIF - Fellow of Las Vegas Institute of Advanced Dental Medicine

  • FICCMO - Fellow of International College of Cranial Mandibular Orthopedics

  • FAGD - Fellow of Academy of General Dentistry

What I do.

Giving Back and Going Green

Earth Day is everyday at my office.  As a member and presenter of the Heritage Conservancy it is important that I  do my part to reduce our carbon footprint. 


We have purposefully designed our office with:  renewable fiber wall coverings, biodegradable flooring, LED lighting and Ozone technology for Air Purification. 


We are a drop off site for recycling dental plastics into Trex decking and we promote the use of bamboo toothbrushes and biodegradable floss and flosspicks. 


Click the button below to learn more about preservation and what the Heritage Conservancy does for Bucks County.

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My Going Green Passion.

To learn more about my "Going Green" Passion please watch my

Earth Day is Every Day - Webinar

that was hosted by the Heritage Conservancy. 

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Corona Virus Office Update

Good heath is our cause and our concern. We have taken every precaution to keep you and our staff safe.


Please watch Dr. Snyder's interview with ABC/WPVI -TV NEWS on all that we have recently updated in our office through purchase and with our procedural process.


We want to keep you safe and healthy!

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