TMJ Questionnaire
Please give yourself one point for every YES answer.
Do you have pain in your jaw joint? Yes________ No________
Do you have limited mouth opening? Yes________ No________
Do you have fullness in your ears? Yes________ No________
Do you have ringing in your ears (tinnitus)? Yes________ No________
Do you have hearing loss? Yes________ No________
Do you have flat/worn teeth from grinding? Yes________ No________
Do you have noise in your jaw joint when you open? Yes________ No________
Do you have headaches or migraines? Yes________ No________
Do you have neck pain? Yes________ No________
Do you have poor posture? Yes________ No________
What's your total? Total________
If you have a total of 4 or more Points OR any one of these symptoms have impacted your quality of life on a daily basis,
please reach out to our office for help. We look forward to meeting you!